Every file format in the world - F through O [USEMAP] Every file format in the world F F FORTRAN file F77 FORTRAN file F90 FORTRAN file FAR Farandole Composer music module (MOD) file FAV Microsoft Outlook navigation bar FAX FAX Type image FCL Cyber Audio Library link file FDF Adobe Acrobat Forms Document file FH3 Aldus Freehand 3 drawing FIF Fractal image file FITS CCD camera image FLC AutoDesk FLIC animation FLI AutoDesk FLIC animation FLT Corel filter FLT StarTrekker music module (MOD) file FMB Oracle binary source code for form, version 4.0 and later FML File Mirror List (GetRight) FMT Oracle text format of form, version 4.0 and later FMT Microsoft Schedule+ print file FMX Oracle executable form, version 4.0 and later FND Microsoft Explorer Saved Search file (Find applet) FNG Font group file (Font Navigator) FOG Fontographer font FON System font FOR FORTRAN file FOT Font-related file FP FileMaker Pro file FP1 Flying Pigs for Windows data file FP3 FileMaker Pro file FPX FlashPix bitmap FRM Form FRM FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document FRM Oracle executable form version 3.0 and earlier FRM Visual Basic form FRM WordPerfect Merge form FRX Visual Basic form stash file FTS Full-Text Search index file resulting from using Find in the Windows help system Can be erased; will be rebuilt when needed FW3 Framework III file FW4 Framework IV file Every file format in the world G GAL Corel Multimedia Manager album GCD Generic (TM) CADD drawing (later versions) GCP Ground Control Point file used in image processing of remote sensing data often to form map projections. CHIPS (CopenHagen Image Processing System) uses these files. GED Graphic Environment Document (drawing) GEM GEM metafile GEN Ventura-Generated text file GetRight GetRight Unfinished-Download file GFC Patton&Patton Flowcharting 4 flowchart file GFI Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GFX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GID Windows 95 global index file (containing help status) GIF CompuServe bitmap GIM Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GIX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GKS Gravis GripKey document GNA Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GNX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GRA Microsoft Graph GRD Grid file, used in image processing of remote sensing data often to form map projections. CHIPS (CopenHagen Image Processing System) uses these files GRP Program Manager Group GTK Graoumftracker (old) music module (MOD) file GT2 Graoumftracker (new) music module (MOD) file GWX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GWZ Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation GZ Unix Gzip compressed file Every file format in the world H H C program header HED HighEdit document HEL Microsoft Hellbender saved game HEX Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file HGL HP Graphics Language drawing HLP Help file HOG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file HPJ Visual Basic Help Project HPP C++ program header HQX Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file HST History file HT HyperTerminal HTM Hypertext document HTML Hypertext document HTT Microsoft Hypertext Template HTX Extended HTML template Every file format in the world I ICA Citrix file ICB Targa bitmap ICL Icon Library file (an industry standard) ICM Image Color Matching profile file ICO Windows Icon IDD MIDI Instrument Definition IDF MIDI Instrument Definition (Windows 95 required file) IDQ Internet Data Query file IDX Symantec Q&A relational database index file IFF Amiga ILBM IGF Inset Systems metafile IIF QuickBooks for Windows interchange file ILBM A bitmap (graphic image) file IMA WinImage file IMG GEM image INC Assembler language or Active Server include file INF Information file INI Initialization file INP Oracle source code for form, version 3.0 and earlier INS InstallShield install script INS X-Internet sign-up file IOF Findit document IQY Microsoft Internet Inquiry file ISO Lists the files on a CD-ROM; based on the ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system standard ISP X-Internet sign-up file ISU InstallShield uninstall script IT Impulse Tracker music module (MOD) file ITS Internet document set (possibly a Microsoft file) IW Idlewild screensaver Every file format in the world J JAR Java ARchive file (a compressed file for applets and related files) JAVA Java source code JBF Paint Shop Pro image browser file JFF JPEG file JIF JPEG file JFIF JPEG file JMP SAS JMPDiscovery chart-to-statistics file JN1 Epic MegaGames Jill of the Jungle data file JPE JPEG file JPEG JPEG compressed bitmap JPG JPEG bitmap JS JavaScript source code JTF JPEG bitmap Every file format in the world K KDC Kodak Photo-Enhancer KFX KoFax Group 4 image KYE Kye game data Every file format in the world L LBM Deluxe Paint bitmap LDB Microsoft Access lock file LEG Legacy document LES Logitech Entertainment system game profiles (same as REG file) LHA Alternate file suffix for LZH LIB Library LIS Output file produced by a Structured Query Reporting (SQR) program LNK Windows shortcut file LOG Log file LPD Helix Nuts and Bolts file LRC Intel Video Phone file LST List file LWO Lightwave Object file LWP Lotus Wordpro 96/97 file LZH LH ARC compressed archive LZS Skyroads data file Every file format in the world M M1V MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg') M3D Corel Motion 3D animation M3U MPEG URL (MIME audio file) MAC MacPaint image MAD Microsoft Access module MAF Microsoft Access Form MAK Visual Basic or MS Visual C++ Project MAM Microsoft Access Macro MAP Map file MAP Duke Nukem 3D WAD game file MAQ Microsoft Access Query MAR Microsoft Access Report MAS Lotus Freelance Graphics Smartmaster file MAT Microsoft Access Table MAX Paperport file MAZ Hover maze data MB1 Apogee Monster Bash data file MCC Dialer10 calling card MCS MathCAD image MCW Microsoft Word for Macintosh document MDA Microsoft Access add-in MDB Microsoft Access database MDE Microsoft Access MDE file MDL Digital Tracker music module (MOD) file MDL Quake model file MDN Microsoft Access blank database template MDW Microsoft Access Workgroup MDZ Microsoft Access wizard template MED Music Editor, OctaMED music module (MOD) file MER Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others MET Presentation Manager metafile MHTM MHTML document (MIME) MHTML MHTML document (MIME) MI Miscellaneous MIC Microsoft Image Composer file MID MIDI music MMF Microsoft Mail File MMM Microsoft Multimedia Movie MOD FastTracker, StarTrekker, Noise Tracker (etc.) music module file MOD Microsoft Multiplan spreadsheet MOV QuickTime for Windows movie MPA MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg') MPE MPEG animation MPEG MPEG animation MPG MPEG animation MPP Microsoft Project file MPP CAD drawing file format MP2 MPEG Audio Layer 2 file (MIME video file) MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 (AC3) file MSG Microsoft Mail message MSN Microsoft Network document MSP Microsoft Paint bitmap MTM MultiTracker music module (MOD) file MUS Music MVB Microsoft Multimedia Viewer file MWP Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster file Every file format in the world N NAP NAP Metafile Vector image NCB Microsoft Developer Studio file NIL Norton Icon Library file (EasyIcons-compatible) NLU Norton Live Update E-Mail Trigger file NSF Lotus Notes database NST Noise Tracker music module (MOD) file NTF Lotus Notes database template NWS Microsoft OutlookExpress news message (MIME RFC822) Every file format in the world O OBD Microsoft Office binder template OBD Microsoft Office Binder OBJ Object file OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard OCX Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding custom control OFN Microsoft Office FileNew file OFT Microsoft Outlook template OKT Oktalyzer music module (MOD) file OLB OLE Object Library OLE OLE object OPT Microsoft Developer Studio file ORG Lotus Organiser file OR2 Lotus Organiser 2 file OR3 Lotus Organiser 97 file OSS Microsoft Office Search file OST Microsoft Exchange Offline file OTL Super NoteTab template file (Fookes) A through E | P through Z and Numbers _________________________________________________________________ Contributors to this list are mentioned on the A through E page or in our Credits page.) [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] Content copyright © 1997-1998 Andrew Gray and VPU Ltd, holding company of the Corel and Ventura Users group in the UK. Format copyright © 1997-1998 whatis.com Inc. All rights reserved.