Every file format in the world - A through E This is a list of file name extensions or suffixes that indicate the format or usage of a file and a brief description of that format. This list was compiled and is maintained by Andrew Gray for the Corel and Ventura User's Group in the UK and users of whatis.com. Significant assistance has been provided by Reg Harbeck and Jeffrey Jacques. If you know of a file name extension and format that should be added to this list, please e-mail us and we'll add it. [USEMAP] Every file format in the world - A through E A ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup ACL Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator ACM Used by Windows in the system directory ACP Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file ACT Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file ACV OS/2 drivers that compress and decompress audio data AD After Dark screensaver ADB Appointment database used by HP 100LX organizer ADD OS/2 adapter drivers used in the boot process ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver ADP Used by FaxWorks to do setup for fax modem interaction ADR After Dark Randomizer screensaver AFM Adobe font metrics AF2 ABC Flowchart file AF3 ABC Flowchart file AI Adobe Illustrator drawing AIF Apple Mac AIFF sound AIFC Similar to AIF AIFF Similar to AIF AIS ACDSee Image Sequence file ALB JASC Image Commander album ALL Arts & Letters Library AMS Velvert Studio music module (MOD) file ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors ANI Animated Cursor ANS ANSI text API Application Program Interface file; used by Adobe Acrobat APR Lotus Approach 97 file APS Microsoft Visual C++ file ARC LH ARC (old version) compressed archive ARI Aristotle audio file ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive ART Xara Studio drawing ART Canon Crayola art file ASA Microsoft Visual InterDev file ASC ASCII text ASD WinWord AutoSave ASF Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format file ASM Assembler language source file ASP Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script) ASP Procomm Plus setup and connection script AST Claris Works "assistant" file ASX Cheyenne Backup script ASX Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector file ATT AT&T Group 4 bitmap AU UNIX sound file AVI Microsoft Video for Windows movie AWD FaxView document Every file format in the world B BAK Backup file BAS BASIC code BAT Batch file BFC Windows 95 Briefcase document BG Backgammon for Windows game BI Binary file BIF GroupWise initialization file BIN Binary file BK and BK$ Sometimes used to denote backup versions BKS An IBM BookManager Read bookshelf BMK An A bookmark file BMP Windows or OS/2 bitmap BM1 Apogee BioMenace data file BRX A file for browsing an index of multimedia options BSP Quake map BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file BS_ Microsoft Bookshelf Find Menu shell extension BTM Batch file used by Norton Utilities BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle file (a MIDI program) B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file Every file format in the world C C C code CAB Microsoft cabinet file (program files compressed for software distribution) CAL CALS Compressed Bitmap CAL Calendar schedule data CAS Comma-delimited ASCII file CAT IntelliCharge categorization file used by Quicken CB Microsoft clean boot file CCB Visual Basic Animated Button configuration CCF Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2 CCH Corel Chart CCM Lotus CC:Mail "box" (for example, INBOX.CCM) CCO CyberChat data file CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave cast CDA CD Audio Track CDF Microsoft Channel Definition Format file CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive format CDR Core Draw drawing CDT Corel Draw template CDX Corel Draw compressed drawing CEL CIMFast Event Language file CER Certificate file (MIME x-x509-ca-cert) CFB Comptons Multimedia file CFG Configuration file CGI Common Gateway Interface script file CGM Computer Graphics Metafile CH OS/2 configuration file CHK File fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk CHM Compiled HTML file CHP Ventura Publisher chapter CHT ChartViewer file CHT Harvard Graphics vector file CIL Clip Gallery download package CIM Sim City 200 file CIN OS/2 change control file that tracks changes to an INI file CK1 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 data file CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 data file CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 data file CK4 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 data file CK5 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 data file CK6 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 data file CLASS Java class CLP Windows Clipboard file CLS Visual Basic Class Module CMD Command file for Windows NT (similar to a DOS .BAT file) CMD DOS CP/M command file CMD dBase-II program file CMF Corel Metafile CMP JPEG Bitmap CMP Address document CMV Corel Move animation CMX Corel Presentation Exchange image CNF Configuration file used by Telnet, Windows, and other applications with varying internal formats CNM Windows application menu options and setup file CNQ Compuworks Design Shop file CNT Windows (or other) system content files for the help index and other purposes COB trueSpace2 object COD Microsoft C compiler output as displayable machine language/assembler with original C as comments COM Command file (program) CPD Fax Cover document CPE Fax Cover document CPI Microsoft MS-DOS code page information file CPL Control Panel extension CPL Corel colour palette CPP C++ code CPR Corel Presents Presentation CPT Corel Photo-Paint image CPX Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed drawing CRD Cardfile file CRP Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation CRT Certificate file CSC Corel Script CSP PC Emcee On-Screen image CSS Cascading Style Sheet file (MIME) CST Macromedia Director "Cast" (resource) file CSV Comma-separated values file CT Scitex CT Bitmap CT A graphic file associated with the Paint Shop Pro Graphic Editor CTL Used in general to mean a file containing control information. FAXWorks uses it to keep information about each fax sent and received. CUE Microsoft Cue Cards data CUR Windows Cursor CUT Dr Halo bitmap CV Corel Versions archive CV Microsoft CodeView information screen CWK Claris Works data file CWS Claris Works template CXT Macromedia Director protected (not editable) "Cast" (resource) file CXX C++ source code file Every file format in the world D DAT Data file DAT WordPerfect Merge Data DBF Aston-Tate dBASE database DBX DataBeam image DCR Shockwave file DCS Desktop Color Separation file DCX Fax image (based on PCX) DDF BTRIEVE database DEF SmartWare II data file DEF C++ Definition DER Certificate file DIB Device-Independent Bitmap DIC Dictionary DIF Data Interchange Format spreadsheet DIR Macromedia Director file DIZ Description file DLG C++ Dialogue Script DLL Dynamic-Link Library DMF X-Trakker music module (MOD) file DOC FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document DOC WordStar document DOC WordPerfect document DOC Microsoft Word document DOT Microsoft Word document Template DPR Borland Delphi project header file DRV Driver DRW Micrografx Designer/Draw DSG DooM saved game DSM Dynamic Studio music module (MOD) file DSP Microsoft Developer Studio project DSQ Corel QUERY file DSW Microsoft Developer Studio workspace DTF Symantec Q&A relational database data file DUN Microsoft Dial-up Networking Export file DV Digital video file (MIME) DWD DiamondWare digitized file DWG AutoCAD drawing, or older Generic CADD drawing format DXF Drawing Interchange (eXchange) format,a text representation of the binary DWG format DXR Macromedia Director protected (not editable) movie file Every file format in the world E EMF Enhanced Windows Metafile EML Microsoft Outlook Express mail message (MIME RFC 822) ENC Encore file EPS Encapsulated PostScript image ER1 ERWin file ERX ERWin file EVY Envoy document EWL Microsoft Encarta document EXC Microsoft Word Exclusion Dictionary EXE Executable file (program) F through O | P through Z and Numbers _________________________________________________________________ Assistance was provided by Ralph Navarro. (Other contributors to this list are mentioned on our Credits page.) [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] Content copyright © 1996-1998 Andrew Gray and VPU Ltd, holding company of the Corel and Ventura Users group in the UK. Format copyright © 1997-1998 whatis.com Inc. All rights reserved.