Shooting sound troubles in ( Debian ) - Linux A systematic approach from bottom to top: ( 'do:' means open a terminal and give command ) ( '| grep' is just a filter for the output ) ------------------------------------------ -- Onboard soundchip enabled in BIOS ? -- do: lspci or, ( as root ): lsusb your card(s) should show up. -- do: cat /boot/config-$( uname -r ) | grep SND | grep =y -- do: cat /boot/config-$( uname -r ) | grep SND | grep =m the driver for your card should show up with '=y' ( compiled as part of the kernel ) or '=m' ( compiled as a loadable module ) -- do: lsmod | grep snd this shows kernel-modules loaded. ( note: everything that is compiled in the kernel does not show up here ) ( minimum ? ) -- do: dpkg -l | grep alsa this shows installed alsa-software ( minimum ? ) -- do: ls -l /proc/asound -- do: cat /proc/asound/cards information about cards that alsa has found -- do: ls -l /dev/snd -- do: ls -l /dev/dsp* this shows the devices alsa has created ( if there is no /dev/dsp, there is no OSS-compatibility ) -- do: lsof | grep snd If your soundcard -is- basically working, but 'busy' then you can see here what keeps it busy. -- do: killall -bugger- where -bugger- is one of... esd, jackd, artsd (?), ... OR, tell your application to use this -bugger-, that is what these 'sound-servers' are meant for. ------------------------------------------ Jasper, dec 2007. --